I have employed Sunhouse Marketing since July of 2019 to manage my entire marketing campaign. Since July I have had a significant increase in consultations, surgeries and a definite increase in my revenue. I have found Sunhouse Marketing to be fantastic to work with. They and my staff function as one team with ongoing meetings and communication. Fran, the CEO, is very personable, and is, at the same time, very analytical. Often there is not enough time devoted to actually validating approaches in the marketing world. One of the things that attracted me to Fran and her team was their analytical approach and reporting to validate and/or change the approach. Fran has wonderful staff that each specialize in different areas. I have been exceptionally pleased with my experience and I expect my relationship with SunHouse to continue to grow for many years.
Berman Cosmetic Surgery reached out to SunHouse Marketing in 2019 to generate qualified high value leads for their cosmetic surgery clinic. We developed a holistic marketing strategy from PPC to SEO to generate qualified leads and revenue growth for this client.
We generated 551 high intent callers interested in booking a consult.
From our Search campaigns, we generated over 3,000 qualified leads, resulting in a substantial pipeline of booked patients and significant revenue increases for the practice.
Our on-page SEO strategy generated more than 2,000 high-intent search leads, creating a robust pipeline of new patients for our client. The SEO work done provided ROI over the long term. Other leads came from organic social, direct traffic, referring and branded traffic due to our efforts.